
The Curve class definition.

class Curve(x, y, check_fxn=None)

Bases: object

Base class for handling sets of x, y coordinates.

  • _x (ndarray) – 1D array of x coordinates defining the curve. These should, in general, not be accessed directly.
  • _y (ndarray) – Same as _x but for the y coordinates of the curve.
__init__(x, y, check_fxn=None)

Initialize a curve object from x, y coordinates.

  • x, y (iterable) – Iterables of the same size defining the curve’s x and y coordinates.

  • check_fxn (function, optional) – Function that takes an x, y pair, and checks if they are valid.

    If they are valid the function returns None otherwise raises a ValueError, default is None meaning no function is used to check the x and y values.


Curve – Instantiated Curve object.

  • IndexError – If x and y do not have the same length.
  • ValueError – If check_fxn is defined and any x, y pair fails to meet the defined criteria.
classmethod check_input(x, y, check_fxn=None)

Check inputs comply with the required formatting.

static check_types(x, y)

Check type of x and y

  1. Cast x and y to ndarray of type double.
  2. Check x and y have the same length.
static check_values(x, y, check_fxn)

Apply custom checking function on the values of x and y.

  • x, y (iterable) – x and y value of curve respectively.
  • check_fxn (function) – Function that takes an x, y pair, checks if they are valid. If they are valid the function returns None otherwise raises a ValueError.

None – If x and y pass


ValueError – If x and y fail.

resample(xx, inplace=False, interp1d_kwargs=None, res_fxn=None)

Resample Curve at select x values.

  • xx (ndarray) – 1D array containing the locations in terms of x, of the desired interpolated y values.
  • inplace (bool, optional) – Indicates whether resampling should be done in-place. If inplace the, attributes _x and _y are overwritten. Otherwise the new values are returned, default is False resampling is not done inplace.
  • interp1d_settings (dict, optional) – Settings for use with the interp1d function from scipy. See documentation here for details.
  • res_fxn (function, optional) – Define a custom resampling function. It should accept an ndarray of resampling x-coordinates and return the interpolated y-coordinates as an ndarray.

None or (xx, yy)None, if inplace=True; _x and _y will be updated. (xx, yy) if inplace=False.

classmethod resample_function(x, y, **kwargs)

Wrapper for interp1d from scipy.